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Znuny Professional Services

The ((OTRS)) Community Edition Fork with long-term Support (LTS)


Znuny LTS 6.0.35 (2021-06-01)

Minor adjustments have been made which fix existing bugs or contain contributions from the community.
This release does not contain any security related changes.

Note for users of the ITSM package(s):
After updating, the current version 6.0.30 of the ITSM package can still be used.
Updates for ITSM will follow in later versions.


Typ / URL MD5 sum
Source .tar.gz ab0167b952954a27a4bfb5e132e3d0eb
Source .tar.bz2 0cb02014c4323ed754f2f021b2b55145
Source .zip bc9be1f0c14580a9eaf2bafecf16c67d
SuSE 12 72070c65044b94c0192eff0bba6597b1
SuSE 13 1230418344b875c4162c07a92cd5326b
Fedora 25 0b04c579e7e7aba9c187839f3f263d2a
Fedora 26 55281142bdc35903c8bac77f038c8954
RHEL 7 / CentOS 7 a4096a7dfad4aabbfc0e44b0d983d3db