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Znuny Professional Services

The ((OTRS)) Community Edition Fork with long-term Support (LTS)


Optimizing IT Service Management: Implementing Closure Codes in ITIL

One critical component of ITIL (Information Technology Infrastructure Library) is the use of closure codes. These codes play a significant role in categorizing and analyzing the reasons behind resolving incidents and service requests. In this article, we will delve into the purpose of closure codes and provide practical insights on implementing them in your ITIL processes.

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Unlocking Efficiency: The Power of Multi-category Templates

Effective communication is critical in today's fast-paced business environment. Whether you're reaching out to clients, colleagues, or team members, having a streamlined, straightforward, and informative communication process can significantly boost productivity. That's where multi-category templates come into play.

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Selective notifications: level-up your automatic replies.

Automatic replies limit the options and filters available for sending specific responses to customers when new tickets are created. They are one size fits all. The setting SendNoAutoResponseRegExpTicket, is a blacklist option which needs to be replaced before moving away from auto-replies. Once this hurdle has been overcome, you can enhance your automatic replies with precise rules and notifications through ticket notifications.

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Reduce Clutter in Your Service Desk - Znuny Ticket Archive

In the domain of customer service, managing an increasing volume of tickets necessitates efficient archival processes to maintain an organized ticketing system. Znuny, an open-source ticketing system, provides a robust mechanism for archiving tickets, ensuring that the support desk remains functional and orderly. Znuny's interface and features facilitate the archiving process, enabling teams to focus on current and critical tasks.

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Loop Protection and Znuny

Email systems are essential for seamless communication in today's digital age but are also vulnerable to various issues, including email loops. Read about how Znuny deals with this and how you can configure limits and bypasses for automated messages in Znuny.

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Strengthen Customer Relationships

Building strong relationships with customer knowledge is a key factor for success in any business. Customer knowledge refers to the information and insights that a company has about its customers, such as their needs, preferences, behaviors, and feedback. By collecting, analyzing, and applying customer knowledge, a company can improve its products and services, enhance customer satisfaction and loyalty, and increase its competitive advantage.

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Agility and Transparency for Your Service Desk

In today's fast-paced and competitive market, businesses must adapt quickly to changing customer needs, regulatory requirements, and technological trends. One way to achieve this is by using extensible software, which offers several benefits for businesses of all sizes and industries. A second bonus is achieved with free and open-source software.

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Raise Awareness: Power of Visual Alarms

Are you tired of missing important events or changes in your service desk? Visual alarms are here to help! By displaying a visual cue such as a flashing light, a new badge, or a pop-up message, visual alarms can help you stay on top of new, escalating, aging tickets or changes to existing ones.

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Znuny Unleashed: Supercharged Access Secrets and Permission Wizardry!

Access and permissions are two related but distinct concepts in computer security. Access refers to the ability to read, write, modify, or execute a resource, such as a file, a folder, a program, or a network connection. Permissions refer to the rules or policies that determine who can access what resources and how. Permissions are usually set by the owner or administrator of the resource, and can be based on factors such as user identity, role, group membership, or context. Permissions can also be inherited from parent resources or overridden by child resources.

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Informed Consent in Business: Protecting Agents and Customers

In the world of business, the cornerstone of ethical and responsible conduct lies in obtaining informed consent. Whether you’re an agent facilitating transactions or a customer engaging with services, the significance of informed consent cannot be overstated. It’s not just a legal requirement; it’s a fundamental aspect that builds trust, transparency, and credibility. Read about it in more detail here.

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Make the Jump to Excellent Service Desk Performance

As a service desk manager, you know how important it is to provide fast, efficient, and reliable customer support. But did you know that one of the critical factors affecting your service desk performance is the availability of resources for your employees? See why this is important.

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Not All Requests Are Created Equal And Here's Why

Service requests are a common way for customers to communicate their needs and problems to a service provider. However, not all service requests are the same. Some may be simple and straightforward, while others may be complex and ambiguous. They may be reports of troubles, needs, wants, or complaints. Therefore, it is vital to categorize service requests with types, services, and enriching details to improve the efficiency and quality of service delivery.

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Harmonizing Service Desk Efficiency Amidst Concurrent Operations

A race condition occurs in computer science when the behavior or outcome of a system depends on the timing or sequence of events. It typically happens in concurrent or multithreaded programs, where multiple processes or threads attempt to access and manipulate shared resources simultaneously.

In a service desk scenario where multiple agents might be accessing and updating requests or data concurrently, preventing human race conditions is why we invented Znuny. It is crucial to maintain communication integrity and ensure smooth operations.

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Process Interfacing: Streamlining Service Requests

If you want to improve your service desk performance, you need to implement cross-departmental interfaces into your processes. Process interfaces are the connections between different processes that run simultaneously or sequentially across different teams or departments.

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Turbocharge DevOps: Integrating GitHub Into Your Service Desk

Today, developers, particularly those in DevOps, rely heavily on platforms like GitLab or GitHub for software distribution and maintenance. These tools streamline the process, enhancing collaboration and efficiency. One of the benefits of using GitHub as a platform for software development is that it allows you to integrate various tools and services to enhance your workflow and productivity. One of these tools is the service desk! Enable customer request management by enriching requests with data from a GitHub repository!

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Mastering Postmaster Filters: Keeping Ticket States Intact!

Discover the secret to preserving ticket states even in the face of follow-up emails. Learn how to use the powerful X-OTRS-FollowUp-Keep-State = True configuration for exceptional cases. Dive into the step-by-step guide and unleash the full potential of this feature!

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Mastering Znuny CLI: Mail Filters and Routing Testing

In the realm of system administration, efficiency is paramount. Embracing the power of the command line interface (CLI) can be a game-changer for administrators. Not only does it offer speed and resource efficiency, but it also provides a robust platform for scripting and automation. In this guide, we delve deeper into the world of Znuny CLI, focusing on testing mail filters and routing. Discover how this versatile tool can streamline your operations and elevate your administration prowess.

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Maximizing Productivity: Navigating the Auto-Response Abyss

In our fast-paced digital age, we've all experienced the frustration of encountering auto-responses that seem to lead us in circles, wasting precious time and causing unnecessary delays. Whether it's the ubiquitous "Out of Office" email or other automated responses, these well-intentioned features can inadvertently become productivity pitfalls. Say goodbye to the auto-response abyss and hello to streamlined communication, with the freely available Znuny-OutOfOfficeFilter.

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Are you sending the correct signals?

Say goodbye to manual struggle and hello to a seamless, automated customer service experience! Znuny empowers businesses to streamline operations, boost efficiency, and elevate customer satisfaction by harnessing the power of processes. Learn about signal start events and how they can help your organization.

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Turbocharge Your Service Desk: Mastering Search Profiles!

Maintaining efficient service desk operations is crucial in today's fast-paced business landscape, especially in remote work environments. One powerful tool that can significantly enhance your team's productivity and customer satisfaction is the Znuny add-on - Dashboard Widget Search Profiles. This innovative feature enables seamless collaboration among agents by allowing them to share customized search profiles. In this blog post, we'll guide you through the installation and utilization of this add-on and explore the myriad benefits it brings to your service desk operations.

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Size does Matter: When just one instance won't do!

"Once You Pop You Can't Stop" is an iconic tagline that has been used by several snack brands to promote their products. This catchy phrase refers to the irresistible feeling of craving that occurs after the first bite of a crispy and flavorful snack. In this same way, Znuny becomes an irreplaceable system in your organization. As this happens, more and more departments may decide they want to join the party. This is when you make the decision, integrate or segregate.

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Keep shareholders informed with this pro tip.

When recording a process, you have an initial reporter. This limitation is now gone with this one pro tip! Use this trick to add one or multiple addresses to an initial process dialog so that the resulting article will provide for a "Reply to all" to be used. Save time and resources today!

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Non-IT Incidents: A Holistic Service Approach

When we think about incident reporting, the first association is often with IT-related disruptions. However, incident reporting holds equal significance for non-IT incidents that can occur in various aspects of an organization's operations. From workplace accidents to customer service mishaps, non-IT incidents demand a structured approach to reporting and resolution. Let's explore the positive and negative impacts of incident reporting in non-IT contexts.

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Improving Customer Service: Tracking Ticket Transfers and Enhancing Satisfaction

Tracking how often a customer is passed on to other departments can help businesses identify areas where they can improve customer service. It can also help businesses identify which departments are struggling to meet customer needs and which are excelling. By tracking this metric, businesses can take steps to improve their customer service and ensure that customers are satisfied with their experience. Let Znuny help you with the “Hot Potato” web service.

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Pop the Question!

Decisions are required daily, whether it is access, something financial, a policy, or just a change in your infrastructure. It is time-consuming to prepare the details for the decision-makers. And then, the next hurdle is there: waiting for the approval.

For these situations and others, we created our TicketApproval add-on to make life for all of us more convenient.

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Monitoring Your Znuny Ticketsystem - Part I

Like with every other application, it's essential to know how your Znuny instance is doing. Besides the technical health of the server that your Linux administrators should be aware of, there are more things to check for when running a Znuny instance.
We use Icinga2 to monitor our infrastructure, internal development server, and hosted Znuny instances. There are many other monitoring systems like Nagios, CheckMK, etc. It does not matter which one you use, but it matters that you use one.

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Taking Ownership: The Secret to Success in Today’s Workplace

What does it mean to take ownership of your work? Taking ownership means being responsible for your actions, decisions, and results. It means being accountable for the quality and outcome of your work, whether it is good or bad. It also means being proactive in finding solutions to problems, seeking feedback, and improving yourself. Let Znuny help you be successful by taking ownership.

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Never create another report.

Reporting can be a hassle, so let Znuny help you automate this task. Generate reporting data that anyone can use and requires no additional reoccurring action on your side.

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Organizing your workday

Your organization offers an overgrowing pallet of services. Customers of your organization rely increasingly on specialists who are capable and willing to manage their requests. Large international teams, mall decentralized offices and agile teams with many roles per individual: All of these require flexible, reliable and self-sufficiency. Znuny's Agent Dashboard, is the start of a well-organized day.

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Revolutionize your experience with queue preferences

Your service desk is a treasure trove of data about teams, customers, services, service-level agreements, and so forth. Enhance your experience by adding queue preferences, which allow your administrator to record important information related to your queues.

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Customer Portal: Make Your Department Customer Friendly

Internal naming conventions become more cryptic, the larger your organization gets. It mustn't even be international growth which drives your organization to using such names HHN_XHR-DevOP3.. Znuny has the solution, to get your customers to the right department using the customer portal.

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Customer Portal

The customer portal is a top feature that your customer users will love. E-mail is a great way to channel customer service requests into your service desk, and Znuny is great with E-Mail. Did you know that Znuny has a customer portal, which is ready to use and brand out of the box?

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Detour with Znuny 7

Change is constant, and with a software rebranding it is obvious change must happen. After upgrading to Znuny 7, one issue might be unsolved: how to deal with links for customer users and agents generated before the upgrade.

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Welcome Znuny 7

Almost one year has passed to this day since the actual work on Znuny 7 began. This does not include the six months of preliminary work that went into brainstorming, analysis, and prototyping.

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The release of the new Znuny LTS

We say goodbye to Znuny LTS 6.0 and welcome Znuny LTS 6.5.

After a long-time in the making, we are proud to release the second long-term support release for the product family Znuny. In this LTS Version, we've included new features, continued improving the code base, and delivered the most stable version of Znuny LTS.
We will provide two years of security and bug fixes for this version.

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Znuny 7 Preview Repository

You are invited to download and try out the Znuny 7 Preview release. We have set up a new repository in our Gitlab account for this purpose. Please make sure to read the README before using the software, as it is a limited release.
We welcome any feedback you may have, and you can submit it by creating issues.
Please keep in mind that this is a developer preview, intended for our developers to begin porting their modules to Znuny 7.
We are excited for you to test the new features and provide feedback on them as well.

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State of the union: Znuny 7 / Search API

We apologize for the silence of the last weeks. As usual, we have an excellent reason.
We've been consumed preparing Znuny 7 GUI preview and the new Search API beta.
Read about the Znuny 7 GUI preview in our blog.

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Znuny 7 - GUI Preview

Have a look at our refreshed design for Znuny 7. Have a look around and feel free to gather some impressions.

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Znuny 6.4.4 and LTS 6.0.47

Our newest releases are ready for download. These versions bring some minor features, changes in updating scripts and bug fixes.

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Modern Authentication with Microsoft

We have added an explanation of the required steps to configure modern authentication, aka OAuth 2.0, for your Microsoft Office365 mailboxes. This includes the app registration in the Azure Portal and also the token configuration in Znuny.

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Visualize iCal in Ticket Details

Many times a user will invite a service agent to an appointment. As agents use a central e-mail address this appointment will be attached to the ticket as an appointment file. The details from the invitation can only be seen if you download it and opened the raw file or if you include it in a local calendar.

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Automatic Priority Increase

Requests are not like fine wine, they do not get better with age. Timely action is required to aid customers and their growing needs. Keep your priorities straight with Znuny and automatic priority increase.

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Postmaster Filter Capture Groups

Why sort mails manually when not necessary? Do you have a pre-defined subject, sender, or email header? Let the Postmaster Filter work for you. Presort incoming emails by filtering and capturing data directly from email forms or other templated emails.

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Vacation Calendar Automation

Maintaining calendars and planning vacation can be a chore. Using simple features included in the upcoming Znuny 6.3, you can get your vacation planing on track. Your team will always be notified of when vacation's are planned.

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Welcome 2022

The Znuny team wishes all Znuny users a good start into the new year!

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Insights - 6 | 12 | 17 | 10

It is now 4 months ago that we maintain our fork. And we are very proud of what we have achieved since then.

The numbers in the headline are describing the activities of the last weeks since our last release: 6.0.33.

  • 6 contributors
  • 12 new GitHub stars
  • 17 merged pull requests
  • 10 active issues

Even at the forum we got more and more active users and an increasing amount of new posts.

Life is returning to the community, after years not being able to actively participate in this open-source project.

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Crazy times

What we have experienced in the last weeks can be described as a crazy ride on a roller coaster.

From the first announcement that the community edition of OTRS in version 6 is end-of-life, the decision to create our own LTS variant to ensure continued support for our customers and the community and about the announcement of the original vendor to completely withdraw from the Open Source environment and to disable all repositories on GitHub and download servers.

Suddenly we are now a vendor, and former competitors working now together with us. A huge change in just 3 months.

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Why we forked

In April 2018 OTRS AG announced (LINK 1) a change to the release strategy for the product OTRS, for which Znuny GmbH predominantly offers services.

The previously publicly-available product OTRS, consisting of OTRS and the OTRS Business Solution, was rebranded and renamed “OTRS” and “((OTRS)) Community Edition”, respectively.

The branch that formerly operated as “Business Edition” would move forward as “OTRS”. This change took place with the release of OTRS 7 on November 18, 2018.

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