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Znuny Professional Services

The ((OTRS)) Community Edition Fork with long-term Support (LTS)

Znuny Feature Version 7.0.3 and LTS 6.5

The newest releases of the open-source Znuny products are available for download.

In keeping with our devotion to the software's quality, we've released two new patches today. These both include minor fixes. Especially we want to highlight that the feedback which we've about Znuny 7 has been great. Keep it coming, so we can continually improve on the new design.

Please see all changes in the changes file online at our GitHub Repository.

Znuny 7 https://github.com/znuny/Znuny/blob/rel-7_0_3/CHANGES.md
Znuny 6.5 LTS https://github.com/znuny/Znuny/blob/rel-6_5_2/CHANGES.md