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Get Control of Runaway Requests

Guide users to a solution by ensuring a runaway request get's the correct attention.

In a previous article, Improving Customer Service: Tracking Ticket Transfers and Enhancing Satisfaction, we discussed the importance of using a metric to alarm users of "Hot Potatoes" – tickets which are being passed around and have no solution. Here is an interesting access control list (ACL) to ensure that the next move goes directly to the escalation management.

A counter was increased by every queue move, which we will now assess with an ACL, and limit the queue selection possibility as soon as it's been moved more than four times. The screenshot shows the settings required to restrict a queue based on a regular expression.

ACL Editor

Once the limit has been reached, only one queue is left. The escalation manager should then select and monitor this queue to de-escalate the situation.

Takeaway: Access control lists (ACL) can help improve customer service by ensuring that a runaway request gets the correct attention. ACLs can also help improve your workflow in other areas to improve service desk efficiency.