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Maximizing Productivity: Navigating the Auto-Response Abyss

In our fast-paced digital age, we've all experienced the frustration of encountering auto-responses that seem to lead us in circles, wasting precious time and causing unnecessary delays. Whether it's the ubiquitous "Out of Office" email or other automated responses, these well-intentioned features can inadvertently become productivity pitfalls. Say goodbye to the auto-response abyss and hello to streamlined communication, with the freely available Znuny-OutOfOfficeFilter.

Recognition in Headers

In email, auto-responses are often set up using the "Out of Office" or "Vacation Responder" feature. These automated replies are triggered when someone sends an email to your address. Here's how it works with the involved headers:

  • Subject Header:

The subject header of an email typically contains a brief description of the email's content.
In the case of an auto-response, the subject may include keywords like "Out of Office", "Vacation", or similar terms to indicate that this is an automated reply.
From Header:

  • The "From" header:
    This specifies the sender's email address and often includes the sender's name.
    In the case of an auto-response, this header will contain your email address, indicating that the response is generated from your account.
    To Header:

  • The "To" header:
    This indicates the recipient's email address.
    In the case of an auto-response, this header will include the email address of the person who sent the original message.

  • CC and BCC Headers (if applicable):

The "CC" (Carbon Copy) and "BCC" (Blind Carbon Copy) headers indicate other recipients of the email, whether visible or hidden.
Auto-responses typically do not alter these headers, as they are meant to function like any other email.

  • Date and Time Headers:

These headers include information about when the email was sent and received.
Auto-responses will not typically alter these headers, as they reflect the actual time the message was processed.

  • Message Body:

This is where the auto-response message is located. It's the content of the email that the recipient will read.
In an out-of-office or vacation responder message, you can customize the message to let senders know about your unavailability and provide alternative contacts if you need them.
Auto-Response Headers (Optional):

Some email systems include additional headers specific to auto-responses. These headers may contain information about the duration of your absence, alternative contacts, or other details about the automated reply.

Remember, the specific way auto-responses are set up and configured may vary depending on your email client or service.

The Challenges

In Znuny, an auto-response will set the state of your ticket to open. This will then require your users to navigate to the ticket and reset the previous state (often pending reminder). This also requires resetting the date, which can lead to a user having to look in the history for the last pending date.

The Feature

Install the feature

After installing the feature Znuny-OutOfOffice Filter, your system will automatically keep the state when receiving a submitted response. This saves time and effort while keeping the agent informed. The agent can review the notification without setting the status again and move on with other tasks. For other mails not caught by the pre-configured filters, you can also add your own postmaster filters. This will also allow you to leverage the "keep state" option's power for mails that does not meet the pre-defined criteria. See more about email headers in our documentation.


Znuny-OutOfOfficeFilter stands out, offering a vital solution for organizations seeking to optimize their support operations. Automatically managing ticket states upon receiving responses streamlines agent workflows and improves response times.